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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Video Production In Atlanta

This is a blog post to inform and enlighten those in pursuit of careers and business.

I started March 2009- the decision of which path in investing should I take? With many interesting investments to make all I could think of is which has the highest demand, which will cost more to operate, which am I willing to spend time working daily? Panasonic SuperCam ag800hp ccd pro camera was first choice simply because of the deal that was presented. It almost seemed as though it was well timed! Just to enlighten you more, it was also funny how the exact same camera was used for training in community college and for church functions..

Now in 2010 as of March 9 I finally recieved power supply to operate this particular camera. Few extras still needed but ready to operate. Always one thing after another, one of simplest things for me to usually obtain- software is the one thing I cannot seem to cross. Searched all my free resource sites for the freebie and forums for pinnacle studio or adobe premiere.

Yet to find the perfect software for the job I fall into research to find someone that does have info on software, that has pro equipment and works freelance. GOOD LUCK I tell myself.

Where are all the old simple free software download sites? do the completely free still exist because filesharing on software is droping to viruses

Friday, February 5, 2010

Control Room - 5EPMG LLC

Control Room - 5EPMG LLC

Sunday, December 6, 2009

5EPMG LLC What is it we stand for?

Independence, Knowledge, Sucess, Complete satisfaction, Quality and ultimately YOU!
We provide our resources and services to our clients to help marketing, Promoting and Branding.

In Atlanta we currently supply our clients with Offset Printing.
Post cards, business cards, posters, banners and all other size of prints. We offer these services at large and small quanities.

While we are developing and under construction we would like to hear from you.

Email us for portfolio, services and pricings: 5epmgllc@gmail.com

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