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Friday, January 28, 2011

SPecific Of the Plants!!

Cannabis plants have been living on this planet for thousands,
maybe millions of years, and have been doing so for quite some time
before man’s intervention and after. Cannabis can grow nearly
everywhere and anywhere as long as the temperature is not too low
and there is enough sunlight and food present for the plant to flourish.
In Asia, one can travel to the various regions around Mongolia and
visit the cannabis plant naturally growing on the hillsides and across
the vast plains, sometimes covering entire hill faces and spreading
down onto the valley below. The Cannabis plant is a very adaptable
plant and can grow both in and outdoors.
The Cannabis plant has managed to travel across the globe without the help of man. The seed has been carried by the wind, in
bird droppings and has attached itself to animals that can, and do, trek
over long distances.
As you can see Mother Nature has distributed this plant in many ways.
The origins of the Cannabis plant are not entirely clear but
today it is generally recognized by most biologists and cannabis
researchers that it began its life somewhere in the Himalayas.

The Cannabis plant was used for many things other than the
extraction of THC (to be discussed later). Our ancestors, up until the
late 1800’s early 1900’s, used the Cannabis plant to create clothing
and other materials. The Cannabis plant or ‘hemp’ as it is called in the
textile industry is a very strong material and will withstand large
amounts of stress applied to it. Hemp material is widely regarded as
one of the best possible materials for producing fabrics. A pair of
trousers made from hemp, or a shirt made from hemp will withstand
the test of time. It is a far more superior material than cotton. This
should give you some clues as to why the fabrics industry wanted to
put a stop to the cultivation of marijuana in the late 1800’s. Hemp
fabric products will last longer than cotton fabric products thus the
buyer buys less over longer periods of time. This is the first instance of
the Cannabis plant being subjected to ridicule for capitalist gain.
The Cannabis plant has been subjected to a number of
stereotypical formats. The first one is that the resin produced by the
plant is physically addictive. This is not true and I will explain why. In
psychiatry there is a list of classifications for addictions of all abusive substances. It is contained in a paper called - ICD-10 (classifications of
Mental and Behavioral Disorders) which you can read on-line here.
Medical doctors are not informed clearly about the use and
abuse of cannabis. This is because cannabis research is illegal in most
countries or if research is allowed most of the results are suppressed.
The only way a medical doctor can help a person with a
cannabis problem is by having some experience with people who have
had cannabis problems in the past. There are no special books to turn
too. There are no references which explain clearly what to do or IF
cannabis is physically addictive. There are no pills for cannabis
addiction (there are for alcoholism).
The only place a doctor can go is to the archives of what other
countries have said about the drug and its abuse. As a doctor, one
would maybe try Holland and read up on some of the material there, or
Belgium or Switzerland. There can be found medical research papers
that relate to cannabis dependence and all of them say the same thing.
(A) Can it be abused? YES. (B) Can it be addictive? YES. (C) Is
cannabis abuse or use life threatening? NO, but mental side effects
such as depression can be, but only a small percentage of addicts (NOT
USERS, BUT ADDICTS) go through this. (D) Has anyone ever died of
cannabis use? ONLY 1 PERSON in the history of cannabis has died
from its use, but read on. Bruce Lee, the martial arts expert died after
taking cannabis, but the death certificate was later changed too 'death
by misadventure' because of another medical herb that he took which
he did not know he was allergic too. So the correct answer is 0 people have died from using cannabis. (E) How do you treat cannabis
addiction? Psychotherapy is the only answer.
In fact there are absolutely no reasons for the prohibition of
cannabis, other than:
1) It is hard to tell if someone is under the influence of cannabis.
Driving/working with machinery is a problem here.
2) People might smoke too much and become a little lazy.
3) Many governments have prohibited it for over 70 years and it would
seem very stupid if they told everyone that they where wrong about it.
Now let us look at these points for a moment.
1) Yes it is hard to tell and make no mistake - if you drive after
smoking cannabis then you are just as stupid as if you where driving
under the influence of alcohol. It is never advised to use cannabis and
then perform a procedure, like driving, which requires your total
attention. As of yet there is no on the spot breathalyzer test for
cannabis use, but there are tests to determine if someone has used
cannabis recently, in the last few hours, in the last few days, weeks or
months. However, alcohol is not banned in a lot of countries but
cannabis is.
2) It happens. Some people do smoke too much pot and they become
docile to the point where they just want to watch television and eat.
However, if there is no money about, and the person needs to survive
or live somehow, you will soon find that person can restore their life back to the way it was before they started their cannabis binge by
simply - Not smoking for a few days. A few days of not smoking is all
it takes to rid cannabis of any effects it has had on the human body.
There may be residual cannabinoids left in the system but this does not
pose any problems and will soon wear away.
This is not that easy with alcohol or heroin user. They will
have to go through a long period of detoxification before they can
resume a normal life. A cannabis user does not have to go through the
detoxification period because there simply is none. Not only does the
alcohol user have to spend a few days getting it out of his/her system
but they will also have to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. This can
last for months. With cannabis, it is simply, stop smoking cannabis
and resume operations as normal. (Note: Pharmaceutical firms would
love to sell a pill to cure cannabis addiction, but as of yet can not. They
can not prove that their pill does anything because there are no
cannabis withdrawal systems to observe. Thus the pill would be
deemed a fraudulent product if put on the market.) Also many
homeless people's living standards in most cases are attributed to
alcohol dependence/addiction and rarely, IF ever, is their low living
standard attributed to cannabis dependence. Cannabis dependence is
psychological. Treatment of cannabis addiction is done by psychiatrists
and psychologists and GP's. Heroin and alcohol is treated by
psychiatrists, psychologists, GP's and doctors of internal medicine for
the somatic systems of addiction.
3) This is a major problem because the government may have to set
people free from prison and radically change their justice department’s stance on cannabis which means that jobs will be lost and revenues
(billions of this - $$$) will be lost if cannabis was decriminalized.
Cannabis prohibition is a booming industry that creates jobs and
capital. However if cannabis was decriminalized then these lost profits
could be derived from a new cannabis industry.
One other thing to mention is that street cannabis may
contain other added drugs. In most clinical cases, a person who
complains about cannabis addiction and shows physical signs of
addiction is not actually addicted to cannabis. They are addicted to the
other drug substances that the supplier has added to his produce to
make it stronger. 100% home grown clean cannabis does not contain
physical additive properties. People who add other drugs to cannabis
are not doing the cannabis community a favor.

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