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Showing posts with label Stop diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stop diabetes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What is Low- Glycemic (Quick View) War On Diabetes

The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is a measure of glucose (blood sugar) level increase from carbohydrate consumption. Foods raise glucose to varying levels. It estimates how much each gram of available carbohydrate (total carbohydrate minus fiber) in a food raises a person's blood glucose level following consumption of the food, relative to consumption of glucose.Glucose has a glycemic index of 100, by definition, and other foods have a lower glycemic index.
Glycemic index is defined for each type of food, independent of the amount of food consumed. Glycemic load accounts for the amount of food consumed and is calculated in terms of glycemic index. 

Stay Healthy keep blood pressures low daily Use the Glycemic index to watch your intake of unhealthy foods!
Classification GI range Examples
Low GI 55 or less most fruits and vegetables; legumes; some whole, intact grains; nuts; tagatose; fructose; kidney beans; beets; chickpeas
Medium GI 56–69 whole wheat products, pita bread, basmati rice, grapes, sucrose, raisins, pumpernickel bread, cranberry juice, regular ice cream
High GI 70 and above white bread, most white rices, corn flakes, extruded breakfast cereals, glucose, maltose, maltodextrins, white potato, pretzels         

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